Tuesday, 27 November 2018

My Amazing News About Santa and the Raindearhe

Breaking news. Last night it wsas Christmas last night.
Santa went to each houses. He went back and said there
were  no carrit. But the next house had no carrits and the
another house had no more carrits.

The raindearhe we tired and they fall down to a house.and santa
went to the house. It did’t had carrits. When he look down to the
gass he saw a McDonald! place.
He Ask’d if he can have lots and lots of carrits.
After that.  he went back and said marry christmas to them.
Santa gave them 100,0s of carrits.


Thursday, 22 November 2018

The intrasting golden man

The story about EI dorado. It was spain in the 15H. Long long ago in amazing frorst there was a beautiful city. The city was called EI dorado.

 He had gold to protect them. But they don’t keep it for them self.The gards call them golden man. The other warriors was trying to find EI dorado because they wanted the gold for them.

There was group of spanish warriors trying to find EI dorado. In the jungle there is a secret place and it was a special lake.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

My favourite meals

this week have been practice for the summer learning journey. My favourite meals are lu and mango drink and sapa suey. Also my mum makes it some of days. I have it on sunday's. What I like about them is because they are so yummy and tasty. That's why there are my favourite meals.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The waste of money firework

The waste of money firework

think that fireworks have to be banned because kids might get
hurt and it is a waste of money. Also it is not important

The first reason is that when you do a fire work it might hurt peope,
kids and hit the cars around. Or some of the house get burnt and that is
Or when you light a firewok then some of the kids won’t be safe.

The second reason some of them are so expencive. Because it might
waste your money and you have no more money
because it not in important.

Another reason is when you have pet they might run away.
 what will get scared and run away. They might never come back .
Or when you light a firework some of the animals or pet will get burn.
Or some of the pet will get hurt form the firework.