Thursday 25 October 2018

Paining my sacophagus

Room 13 was panting our sacophagus. First we got this thing for the head and we were colouring it. After that we got this paper and Mrs Petre’s cut it up so we can have each paper. Then we tras it and we disign it and we can do disign. After that we use the black macker so we can tras it. Then we colour it with brown panit. After that we let it dry it. Then we got the other panits . The panits colour was yellow,gold,blue and red. Ms Petre’s lets us mixs up the colours on the paper. But Ms Petre’s is that we have to use the little panit brushis. But there are some thing we have to do is that if we panit the sacophagus we have to let it try. If you are waiting then just panit the other parts. When it is dry you can do the other one. This is what our sacophagus look like. I done so much with is it took forever to do it.

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