Monday 24 September 2018

The Amazing VR With Kevin

this is what we have been doing The Amazing VR With Kevin. A VR is a tpy of a thing that you can play around with and you can put sme thing on t the tv. When you put it on the tv then you can see what they are doing. Yesterdaythe 24th of september kevin came with the VR. when we were working kevin was going first beacuse he was trying it. When mele chose me and I went and put it on. It looks like that I was in it and I was so exsitied to try it. So when I put this thing that you put on you head. There was a contrler that you can move but you have to click the big button so you can go. When I went on it I look down and I was uptop of the roof and that was so weird. We had so much fun on it and some of the people did’t have a turn. I had so much fun with it. I wish that I can put it on to my blog and we did.