Wednesday 19 September 2018

Film Festiva 2018

This what I going to do next year for my movie. How I felt was that when I watch it I felt so proud how I remember my lines and I thought that I was going to blow up. What my movies was about is that there are two mean girls and two nice girls and one of the mean girl turn nice. We did't do difftent names. How we done our ideas. We had ideas and that was my group and when they were saying it then I know. So how we work as a group,we had stuff in our mines then we got it then we write it down. What we change was we had to change the long video so it can be small. What I'm going to do next year is a film and I think it might be the mean teacher and that is what my movie is going to next year. Or someone will chose it. I am so happy that I am putting it in to my blog post and I pleased that is going to. This is what I am going to next year

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